

"E.T: The Extra Terrestrial" is one of the most successful and highly cherished films ever made, and on Friday March 22nd, the eponymous alien returns to theaters for his 20th anniversary. On this second visit to Earth, E.T. will be enhancing your fond childhood movie memories with a touch of high-concept corporate marketing.

At Universal Studios in Florida, the astronauts of the International Space Station talked via satellite to Steven Spielberg and 28 school children, answering questions and helping E.T. to "phone home."

It's the first time the International Space Station has ever been used to promote a film. And the timing couldn't have been better, as they're currently engaged in a month-long study on the effects of weightlessness on corporate whoring.

Following the success of this E.T. promotion, NASA is racing to prepare a manned mission to Mars in time to coincide with the 20th anniversary release of "Mac and Me"

--Courtesy of Comedy Central--